
Evaluation for Navigating Complexity in the Anthropocene

The Silwood Group’s approach to evaluation in the Anthropocene delivers a combination of fit-for-purpose assessment and coaching for individuals, teams and organizations who want to understand and improve their ability to co-create a future they want.


The Silwood Group brings together over 200 years of expertise earned through the design, management and assessment of over 1000 initiatives across the sectors of health, education, environment, biological conservation, peace, development and social services.

evaluation, evaluative thinking, evaluative inquiry, coaching, decision support tools and frameworks, communities of practice, collaboration, psychology, competency-building, facilitation

systems thinking in practice, complexity science, human systems dynamics, systems theory, adaptive action, network science, visual arts, creative thinking, critical thinking, design thinking

biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, ecology, ecological restoration, wildlife trade, environmental protection, natural resources management, species protection

Silwood provides assessment approaches that empower individuals, teams and organizations with:

Information about personal and group competencies and capabilities that are key to performance in complex systems

Information about the complexity of the systems where transformation is needed

An understanding of the relationship between personal and group ability to navigate complexity and the complexity that needs to be navigated

Silwood empowers individuals, teams and organizations to:

Strengthen key competencies and capabilities

Create new information that improves resource organization and allocation (e.g. planning, team design)

Improve the match between the ability to navigate complexity and the complexity of the systems targeted for change